Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jaxsen has arrived...12-12-2008

This really is a year of "new beginings"! our newest grandson Jaxsen arrived yesterday and I held him for the first time today, he was so sweet,with the aroma of heaven and a big boy at 9 lbs! My eyes were misty as I snuggled him close and I felt so very blessed. Each new person, a baby from heaven or a child through marriage, are very precious in our family circle. I stand in awe as I watch it grow, in God's way and in His time. Some of the changes come with great delight and are embraced with joy. And other transtions in our family circle are pure agony ...yet they too are precious gifts that God uses to develope character in us and color in our family unit. Such a work of art, all the threads of pain and joy make the beautiful tapestry we call family. Smile. Big smile. This year ends beginings, joyful new beginings. I will celebrate.

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