Sunday, August 16, 2009

Right Hand or Left Hand...Whats the Difference?

And God will lead you by his right hand ....and he will take your right hand. I remember reading that in scripture and after pondering it for a little while I recognized the significance, his right hand enfolding my right hand. Hmm, I am convinced that sometimes when he heads us he wants to do so looking in our eyes, you can read so much by gazing deep into someones eyes, into their very soul. In conclusion; leading in that style is an expression of  God's deep love, he leads while walking backwards. He is taking the most difficult steps, because he wants us to look into his face, and with our eyes fixed on his we feel the intimate connection the amazing security  and with His passionate love we can there fore confidently move forward and loose our carnal anxiety. A beautiful picture of a compassionate father and his favored child don't you think? Warm blessings, Maralee.

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