Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ICVM (International Christian Visual Media) 2008

This is an amazing conference!! Today one of the key note speakers was Jim Green, the man who was commissioned by Dr Bill Bright of Campus Crusade to produce the Jesus film 30 years ago. Then a few years ago the Children's version, and now most recently the "Women's" version called 'Magdalene' which is the newest and is about Jesus love and affirmation of women! We saw a preview and it was very, very moving, it covers topics such as forgiveness and shame issues. Jim gave me a copy of the trailer I hope to share it next week in Toronto at the Christians for Biblical Equality conference which I will be attending.
Here are some other hi-lights:
Campus has a website called shorts.com and they are looking for ideas for short films to engage this generation that can be loaded on an ipod and will motivate people to ask questions and engaged in dialogue re the good news. They will pay $120 for an idea and $1,200 for a full script. They must be only 5-7 minutes in length. So check it out! ASAP
-Jesus was a master story teller. in every society story is the way we pass things on, ie grandpa with grandchild on his knee.
-Visual literacy is excel-orating. "Preach and print the gospel is something of the past but now we need to 'portray' the gospel". We need to use more visual to reach this generation then any previous generation.
- Harvard study said that 85% of US high school graduates said they never wanted to read a book again after graduation. And 45% of College students responded the same!! (they prefer the internet).
-Barna research talks about the power of the visual and this 'visually literate generation' and that his research shows that they are influenced mostly by; TV, film,internet, and music. And apparently he states they are least influenced by; parents, church and school (now thats a paradigm shift)!!
-this is a global media driven generation
-53%of the world is made up of youth
-young people watch an average of 120 films a year
-this generation derives their moral and spiritual moorings from the films they see
-Jesus knew all about the internet and film and that visuals engage the brain
-We need to think strategically and be intentional in reaching this visually engaged generation who are primarily oral learners
-Not one person trying to reach everyone but everyone trying to reach someone!
-Its always too soon to quit. (sigh, see I told you so, smile, and I told me so too) in fact it was just the other day I struggled with that.

Well dear friends that is it for tonight. I am blessed and encouraged...hope you are too. Yes I have an agenda, not to build up myself, or Maralee Dawn Ministries (which God has entrusted to me) but to be building the Kingdom, that is my agenda. And working together... I need you. Please pray 'for' me, and pray 'with' me as I seek God's mind for the task that lies ahead. I am ready to do my part in building the Kingdom and am standing on Is 40:31.

Today is day 7 of my 21 day Daniel fast. I believe God is preparing me for my next assignment. There is no more exciting life then this walk of faith, so glad you are waling with me dear friends. And with our hand in His I have ever confidence that we will finish the coarse! And may we bring many along with us., this is my prayer.


BMan said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing. I went to shorts.com and I don't think that's the site you meant. Do you know the right url for that site? I'm very interested.

I think I have to go to ICVM next year. Sounds great!

All great points - thanks!

Eddie Mullison said...

Maralee - great to hear about the ICVM 2008 conference and your response to Jim Green's speaking about the JESUS film. Just for the record: Jim is the current Executive Director of The JESUS Film Project, but it was the founding director, Paul Eshleman, who was actually commissioned by Dr. Bill Bright to produce the JESUS film.


Maralee Dawn said...

My mistake, I stand corrected, thank you Eddie.