Friday, November 7, 2008

My Special Day

I am here in Dallas, Texas basking in the warmth of the sunshine and the warmth of the people! Some of the friendliest people in the world live here and they reach out in such kindness and hospitality that you feel right at home. Like wearing comfy slippers. Today was an amazing day full of sparkle and surprises. Starting with Suellen my hostess who brings me tea and breakfast in bed every morning! And her husband Jimy who clears away the dishes after each meal, its embarrassing to be waited on like this! My dear friend Mark arrived from Oklahoma (we met at the boot camp 2 years ago) and he took me for an delicious Mexican lunch and desert (which I can't recall the fancy name for but its a puff pastry with honey drizzled on top).Yummie! Marks daughter Erin and her Texan friend are working on an Apple upgrade for my Mac for me. And thats not all, Mark took me shopping to the Apple store and purchased several special things for me...including a new mouse that I ahd been needing and wanting for a long time (who would have thought the day would come when we would all long for a mouse in our house? Big smile. And then...I arrived home to find new pj's rom Suellen on my bed! And last but not least an e-mail invitation from another friend inviting me to come spend Christmas...all expenses (including airfare) paid. Sigh. This has been an extraordinary day of blessings showering down on me. E am so blessed, thank you Lord for all the sweet friendships and people ou bring into my life.

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