Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Friend Has Cancer and This is What she Wrote...

I had to post this precious letter (with out the name) because it touched my heart so deeply. That this friend, S, would be "praying for me" (in fact praying for all of us that are part of producing and broadcasting Maralee Dawn and Friends) while fighting her own battel with canceer, has inspired me! Will you please stop and pray for her right now? Thank you. And read on ...
Maralee dawn
Hi how are you doing? I am doing pretty good, but i,m real tired from the Chemo Treatments that i`ve been going through now. I will be getting a power port in a few weeks, I have a special hero to they are my doctors and nurses to help me with my type of Cancer that I have. I hav`nt been sick or anything, but I lost my hair,and had a few infections here and there, But i,m doing really well.
I have enjoyed your TV show today on respect of other properties.
I want to thank you for the prayers,and I have been praying for you too.
with love
 You may read my response to her following (I try to repond to all the letters and e-mails we recieve personally. Please pray for me as I do and that the Holy Spirit will use me in this way as well.

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