Thursday, May 21, 2009

Friends and Frogs

My faithful friend who watches our series Maralee Dawn and Friends sent me this e mail today.

How do you rely on God for your every need of life that may come your way of living in today world?  In  my 2 & years  with my  type of  Cancer  Melanoma ''SKIN CANCER'' I have rely on God to help me get through this hard time  of my life and  I trust in God  every day of my life.

In my room I have this stuffed frog and a frog blanket on my bed to comfort me in the rough times. When I go to the hospital for treatments I take my frog and my blanket in my suitcase with me.

Thank you Lord of this reminder today that I have so much to praise you for and teach me to learn to Fully Relay on you...and that takes a big leap, like a frog. Smile. Thank you for the gift of today. My heart is full and I am so blessed. I am learning to rely on you. Forgive me for my petty complaints and forgive me for my trespasses as I learn to forgive others who trespass against me...or whom I feel have moved into a place and challenge what I feel are my "rights". I surrender my "rights to you Jesus". I am a servant of all. Please teach me to see others through your eyes and to serve as you did when you walked among us. Amen. And Lord bless my dear friends, our viewers who are tuned in to our show. Bless them with courage, and love on them please Jesus. Like this letter has blessed me.

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