Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

A New year has arrived, and I celebrate, for God has given me more time to win the lost and rescue the dying. I am more passionate to "preach the Gospel" than ever before. It is all I live for, to please my Jesus, one day at a time. And my but the days fly by quickly, there is so much work to do for the King and to advance His Kingdom! What a joy to be a servant of the most high God.
I know you have heard me say this before, but I must say it again, "I am greatly  blessed, highly favored and deeply loved, and to this statement I am adding one more thing..."I am choosing joy in my journey". Smile.
The other day I was reading the book of James (very short, only five chapters) but dear friends can you believe this... all of the above statement is included in that one book, James? Please read it I am sure there are other promises in James just for YOU. I highlight or underline & date he ones that He gives me.
James 1;12 "Blessed"
James 2:5 "Loved" ..because I am chosen" and of coarse His LOVE is confirmed in John 3:16
James 4:6 "Favored...God shows favor to the humble and the oppressed"
James 1:2 "Joy"
  a special thank you for each one of you who have covered me with your on going prayers and your encouragement in practical ways, words of affirmation,gifts, e-mails cards, financial support and time,;a very valuable commodity these days! Each of these practical gifts being equal in our God given love language.
This year I pledge to be more of a Jude 20 women! My prayer is that you too will embrace Jude 20 as your personal challenge too. As we continue to walk hand in hand with the King. Smile.
With Love and pausing to pray for you all who read this blog.Maralee

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