Monday, June 1, 2009

Back to Faith

What an adventure to step back into the class room ...I did so with fear, trepidation, and a great big dose of Faith.  It was three years ago when Dr Dan Reinhart first invited me to attend CREST Leadership training and I wanted to, but the timing was not right. My ministry board agreed that NOW was the time. So I registered and qualified for a 50% bursary and was stretched to believe for the rest of the finances. When classes started there was enough for the first semester. This is a two year commitment and I knew that each quarter I would need to trust God for the monies needed. Can you imagine my surprise, I don't know why I should be so "surprised", when God answered my prayers?! Yes it is a miracle! Upon returning from classes in Kananaskis Alberta, I received an e-mail that an anonymous donor had come forward and my tuition is now fully paid for the entire two years! I am so blessed... and reminded that our God is a miracle working God. Why not put your hand in His and take a step of faith today...all things are possible...only believe.

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