Saturday, June 13, 2009

Commitment to Journal...

Kananaskis, Alberta is one of the most breath taking places I have ever been. After completing my first semester of classes there, for the CREST coarse I am taking, we were committed to journal. I was certain that I would "journal every day"..NOT happening. Sigh. In fact I wrote in my journal more before the course then I do now, go figure.
I left that amazing setting in the foothills rented a car and drove to Lethbridge where I began producing wrap a rounds (TV lingo for the threads that tie a show together) for the interviews which I had previously filmed in Thailand. Fortunately for me, Becky is my producer. She is both Thai and Canadian, and multi talented. We fought through pouring rain, cold winds, snow and hail. By the end of day two we had only managed to get one show in the can and called it quits, which gave us a total of 3 shows and we needed 10. We all knew it would take a miracle to complete them all, and that is exactly what happened. So today I 'blog' a thank you to all who were praying, and to the Lord for His faithfulness. Tomorrow I journal. Smile. How about you?.

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