Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Living Your Dreams and Embracing Your Passion

Living your dreams and embracing your passions, now how exciting is that? I am so motivated to write this its like the Holy Spirit is prompting me. There are so many things but where do I start? It's coming to me like a super sized load of towels tumbling out of the dryer. Let me see if I can do one towel at a time.

The pursuit of my dream began when my friend Cheri and I attended a conference in Boston this past year called, God has a Dream for Your Life, and the more I listened to the keynote speakers talk about their "God Dreams"  the more I disconnected. I could not relate to the dream thing. I had no dream. There have been many times that I have had dreams as a child and youth and I was blessed to see most of them come to pass. But there I was, and here I am, in transition, without a dream.

 Two weeks ago I was in Washington, DC standing on the stairs near the White House, where Martin Luther King stood, in fact right on top of the very words, "I Have a Dream", imprinted in concrete. I lifted my face to the starry sky and said " God I don't have a dream. Why don't you give me a dream"? I thought of the verse ..."with out a vision (dream) my people parish."  And being a type 'A' personality I needed a dream, I felt like I was dying, surely God knew that, He created me!
 And now it is all coming together, like a revelation, but in little bites. There was my devotional, My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers, Aug 05, The Baffling Call of God, it caught my attention because I am writing my life story and the working title is 'The Call'. So I read what Oswald had to say "God called Jesus Christ to what seemed unmitigated disaster...He [Jesus] led everyone of them [the disciples] to the place where their hearts were broken" (now I could relate to that)! ..."The things that happen do not happen by chance, they happen entirely in the decree of God". And now here is the crux of the matter, "If we are in communion with God and recognize that He is taking us into His purposes, we shall no longer try to find out what His purposes are...we are less inclined to say - Now why did God allow this and that?"  Then there was a bite that came from Rev Claire Stevens who said "God is not a distant deity. He is here." Claire chose his text from the book of John (the book that I instruct new believers to read because it teaches us who Jesus is) and John uses the word 'believe' so many times! And then as I turned the pages in John my eyes fell upon the notes from Kay Arther, when she addressed us (Women in Christian Media) in Nashville earlier this year. Kay challenged us with two keys, #1 You; meaning you knowing your God, and #2 Your body a living sacrifice! And Suellen Roberts prompted me with "your call (dream) is likely the thing you do with ease, what brings you the most peace"? I pondered that question (yes like Mary) and I couldn't answer it. It is like asking a person, with multiple talents, pick your favorite instrument. I like them all! 

 While I was in Spring Field Mo, searching for my dream, Dr Debbie Gill my host, encouraged me with her teaching to fast and pray, to know Gods will and plans/dreams for my life. We attended the Inaugural Lecture of DeLonn L. Rance who spoke passionately about "Fulfilling the Apostolic Mandate in Apostolic Power" and I wept. Then we sang the old time hymns that I haven't sung in a decade or more, the ones I sang out at the top of my lungs as a teen whom had heard 'the call"; I will go where you want me to go dear Lord.." and the second song was just as powerful "Take my Life and Let it be... wow, what an impact. Now if only I had "A Dream". Dr Cathie Kroeger prayed with me and encouraged me but still ...no dream. Rev Carol Griffiths fed me the next bite; "I am giving you a "special assignment", I was ready for any assignment, "go into all the world and preach the good news, and I give you my authority, my presence and Holy Spirit power!" Thats it? That is the assignment? Some how it all started to come together for me, like the final pieces in a puzzle.

 I get it. Gods dream for my life is in the here and now. He is here, and His dream for me is that I trust Him here and now without reservation. I need to focus on the present, all of the above divine appointments were imprinting my life. They were all God orchestrated. I am living His dream for me as I walk with Him, hand in hand, day by day. Knowing Him is his dream for me. Intimacy with Him is His dream for me. I am living my dream and only now, today, I realized it. The journey I am on is... "His dream journey for me"! I was looking to the stars, the prophets, my teachers and longing for "A Dream", something big, a vision for the future type of dream. And Gods dream for me was here all the time! Big smile. I have been living "the dream" all along. The here and now with my Jesus. LOL. How funny is that? I am passionate about every person I meet, every e-mail I send, and every divine appointment. They are God's dream team for me! I am highly favored, deeply loved, and very, very blessed. I am free from the intense pursuit of finding my dream. I am living my dream, His dream for me, and embracing my passion to proceed with "my special assignment" here and now. I am free. Smile. Yes free indeed.

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