Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can you spare some change?

I was down town Edmonton leaving Missions Fest and carefully walking the icy streets when I noticed a man rummaging in the garbage. I scurried past but felt prompted to go back and give him $5 with the warm reassurance that "God love you". He looked up misty eyed and stammered out a "thank you". I responded with "don't thank me thank Jesus... I have never done this before and I know Jesus prompted me to tell you how much He loves you."
The frail elderly man then said "can you thank him for me?" And I responded "we can do it together right now" then gently I place my hand on his arm as we prayed together out loud..a prayer of thanks, repentence and consecration. I'm thinking of him tonight, -27 snowing and icy cold winds. I pray he makes it through the night but if he doesn't I feel confident that he is in a very warm place...with Jesus.

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