Monday, June 23, 2008

I love the Gypsies

We had a wonderful time together at the park today, my camera is broken or I could have posted some wonderful pictures of the families that come. It was a good turn out and I was introduced to new food, new fun and new friends. Butch and Suzi were dressed in their western attire and talked about the Canadian Gypsy is a cowboy/girl...LOL. They loved it. Most of them were from Europe and spoke Roma. Butch learned to count to three and to say good bye in Check. We sang the Country Riding preacher sitting on the back of my PT cruiser with the speakers facing out into the worked perfectly!
A touching moment at the end was when one little 5 year old boy ran up and hugged Butch so tight (almost pulling him off my knee)! And then a tiny two year old girl with big dark eyes and a head full of curls gave him a big kiss. It was a tender moment. But sweetest of all was when I told my story/testimony and we recited John 3:16 and then 5 of them prayed to receive Christ. The angels are celebrating and so am I. It was the highlight of my week. I am so blessed!# end

1 comment:

BMan said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I love hearing about the kids' reactions!

God bless!