Friday, August 22, 2008

Sparkle in my Day

I thank God because "Today is a gift and thats why we call it "the present", my grandma made a plaque for me with that on it. I love it. And each day I look for a present from my heavenly Father, I call it "sparkle in my day". Today it was like fire works! I received an e-mail from a stranger that saw our show and said it was like "Mr Rogers" and they loved it and wanted to encourage me. Smile. Then my two sisters and I had a 'girls day' totally unplanned but I was in town (for the funeral of my cousins husband) and they both had today off. We had one of our best visits ever! We shopped at Value Village and found shoes for my puppets and cowboy boots for me. I need them as tomorrow I head to Grand Prairie to do a week of Western Shows in the Park each night. My sister Val helped me coordinate and organize all the costumes for the puppets and me...more sparkle! And at the end of the day I had a visit with my niece Amber that was very sweet. And an e-mail from senior friends of mine who are in a home now but wanted to encourage me and tell me they are praying. Last but not least I was reminded that the enemy of our soul, and believers, have one thing in common, we both underestimate the power of prayer!! Yikes... I need to change that, and by the help of the Holy Spirit I will!

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