Friday, August 29, 2008

You are Going to Hell!!

Have you ever had someone shout those words while shaking their finger in your face? That was my experience this past week. First time in my life (and hopefully the last)! I thought my response would have been anger, or perhaps a feeling of being crushed to the point of tears (that was me in the past) but it wasn't. What would your response have been? I was surprised to find I had a deep inner peace, a serenity. Like the psalmist said "draw water from the well of your salvation". I know in whom I have put my trust and so I answered my assailant with a calm reassuring voice. A soft answer turns away wrath, right? In this case it didn't seem to, I believe my response fell on deaf ears. However, following the incident God did speak to me in a sweet way through an unexpected source, I had an unopened letter tucked in my purse from a prisoner. When I read the only words printed with shaky hand writing on a recipe card inside it said "Satan is no match for our God". I was strengthen. I had just preached on temptation, how satan is the accuser and the different ways He accused Jesus. So this is my test, and it is the one that often breaks me, accusations, the enemies weapon in my life. Sound familiar? And so just as Jesus answered the accuser so did I ...saying "It is written..." I live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, and I believe and receive His love. His mercy is new every morning! Thanks be to God. I will get in my car now, and drive for many hours to my next destination, Edmonton. I be will singing on my journey, likely a song like "I am blessed..." God is good is... all the time. Did I mention that about 25-30 committed their lives to Jesus this week? And others felt God call them to full time service, and many others rededicated their lives. Yes I am blessed!

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