Friday, August 1, 2008

We can Trust the Man who Died for us

My devotional streams in the dessert started with a quote from an unknown pastor who knelt and prayed those very words. And Romans 6:13 was the reference which urges us to surrender our lives to God as people "who have risen from the dead"
Wow that is where I want to start this first day of August. Oswald Chambers in my Uttmost says today, "as long as you will not obey you are in the way." He also says "when we are certain in the way God is going to work, that he will never work in that way...."
So here I am back to an issue of waiting on God with the right attitude, one of trust and obedience. This is where I begin my day. Bringing my requests before Him with thanks giving (now that is easy my friend Cheri has delivered identical twin girls yesterday, and I am so thankful for they are miracles on many levels). Its the stopping to listen what He wants me to do today, and then when I hear HIm the more difficult is to 'obey'. I fail so often because first the break down of 'trust', why do I hesitate to trust the one who died for me? If there is anyone I can ever trust it is Him! And second I get so distracted from what the Holy Spirit urges me to do. so, today, August first a new beginning in a year of new beginnings, I will pause, pray and obey. I will make the decision to trust today. And move forward one day at a time (like my son when he quit smoking cold turkey, he said he just put an x on the calendar and did it one day at a time). Smile. I can do this. And with a smile.

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